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Crime Scene Staging: Investigating Suspect Misdirection of the Crime Scene

(A. Chancellor and G. Graham)

This unique text has been written as a practical reference for detectives, crime scene investigators, and prosecutors on how to recognize a staged scene and how this offender behavior could be used as evidence in subsequent trials. The book is designed to help those actively engaged in conducting criminal investigations identify the red flags or those common findings at a crime scene that point to the scene being staged or altered and thereby assist the investigative process. The text is not only research based but also includes the authors’ 30-year experience and personal observations in conducting hundreds of different crime scene investigations ranging from homicide and death, burglary and other property crimes, to rape other and sexual crimes.

Prior to retiring from the Pennsylvania State Police, I served as the Supervisor of the Criminal Investigation Assessment Unit, as well as departmental representative as a subject matter expert in many areas, including Crime Scene Assessment and Crime Scene Staging….. I feel that this is a must read for all law enforcement and prosecutors and have added this book to my recommended reading list in all of my future training.

Patrick J. Zirpoli, Pennsylvania State Police, Ret./Investigative Sciences Journal/Volume 9/Number 1/March 2017

As a retired CSI commander and now in the private sector, I wish this book had been written years ago. A must have in your library if you have any role in a criminal investigation.

Melissa Fernandez

Death Investigations (The 2nd Edition)

(J. Adcock and A. Chancellor)
Many texts on criminal investigation present the same investigative process for every type of crime. However, each crime type requires a unique approach with distinct steps. An investigation involving a death is no different. All incidents of death should be processed as a homicide until they can be proven otherwise. In order to do so correctly, all investigative procedures specifically related to death investigation should be applied. Death Investigations – The 2nd Edition is a follow-up to the successful first edition published in 2013. This book brings to light many of the nuances that frequently confront death investigators and provides them with sound advice and guidelines of how to resolve these incidents.
“Another great, concise, and meaningful reference book to guide all investigators, attorneys, college students, and forensic types. Great job by Dr. Adcock and Supervisory Special Agent Chancellor!!”

D. Pauly, Special Agent (Ret.), Associate Professor/Director Applied Forensic Science, Methodist University, Fayetteville

Investigating Sexual Assault Cases (2nd Edition)

(A. Chancellor)
Not all crimes are committed equally and therefore not all investigations can be conducted equally. Written for criminal investigation courses and specifically sex crime investigation courses, Investigating Sexual Assault Cases presents the basic responsibilities of first responders and highlights specific demands for investigators and prosecutors. Part of the Jones & Bartlett Learning Guides to Law Enforcement Investigation series, this comprehensive resource provides future law enforcement professionals with the information necessary to accurately investigate and analyze sexual assault crimes, improve clearance rates, increase rape and sexual assault reporting, and reduce the number of wrongful incarcerations.
“This book is an excellent resource and I learned literally dozens of new approaches and ideas that I had never thought of or been taught despite my extensive study on the subject.”

Mass LEO/Amazon Book Review

Chapter 12: Cold Cases and Staged Crime Scenes written by,
– Arthur S. Chancellor
– Grant D. Graham Sr.

Cold Cases: An Evaluation Model with Follow-up Strategies for Investigators

(J. Adcock and S. Stein)
Because the investigation of cold cases is usually an arduous and time-consuming task, most law enforcement agencies in the United States are not able to dedicate the resources necessary to support the cold case investigation process. However, when those cases are fully pursued and prosecuted, they often result in convictions and lengthy prison terms. Cold Cases: Evaluation Models with Follow-up Strategies for Investigators, Second Edition saves law enforcement time by providing detailed guidelines for determining if a cold case is solvable, and if so, how to organize, manage, and evaluate the investigation. It also provides techniques for developing investigative strategies to complement the evaluation process and resolve the crime.

​This second edition features a new revised model and methodology for investigating cold cases suitable for all police and public safety agencies―large or small, domestic or international. This new model is more expeditious and convenient for departments that have less manpower and experience in dealing with cold cases.

“This book is a goldmine of information for cold case homicide investigators. The authors provide several different frameworks under which cold case homicide investigations may be prioritized and organized. I highly recommend this book.”

Mass LEO/Amazon Book Review

Equivocal Death: Investigating Suicide, Accidental and other Questionable Deaths

(A. Chancellor)

This unique text​ refocuses the attention of first responders and investigative personnel to the concept of treating every death as a homicide, until sufficient evidence is discovered to validate another manner of death and eliminate the possibility of a staged homicide.

All death investigations should include a well-documented and examined crime scene and a thorough preliminary investigation. It is a well-established, unwritten “rule” when conducting death investigations to initially treat every death as a possible homicide. This includes the examination of the body, the recovery scene, the autopsy, collection of forensic evidence, and subsequent laboratory analysis. Police and investigators are often confronted with a death scene that they cannot initially determine the manner of death; these instances are known as equivocal death.

Coverage focuses on the basics of death investigation and the how to’s rather than dwelling on extraneous and unnecessary detail. By example, it is generally more important for the detective or CSI to understand how to properly pick up forensic evidence at the scene, and how the resulting analysis relates to their investigation, rather than the mechanics of how the evidence is extracted and analyzed at the lab. For suicide and equivocal deaths, it is likewise important that detectives also understand the importance of such things as a victimology assessment, risk factors, and/or ante mortem behaviors of the victim, cues that may provide clues that would be consistent with someone contemplating suicide. The book also features several aspects of criminal investigation that are not found in similar books, including coverage of victimology, including crime scene staging, the notion of psychology autopsy, and how to identify those risk factors or behaviors that are consistent with suicide including motive, intent, and ability.