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Death Investigation (Kleberg County Sheriff’s Department, 1500 East King Ave., Kingsville, TX, 78363)

Date: February 17-21, 2025
Price: $650.00
Location: Kleberg County Sheriff's Department
1500 East King Ave.
Kingsville, TX, 78363
Length: 5 Days (40 Hours)
This is not the normal course on homicide investigations, instead it is a course about death investigations that goes beyond examining homicide scenes to include suicides, accidental, natural, and those deaths in which the manner cannot be established. Actions taken during the initial response and initial actions upon arrival at the scene often make the difference in weather or not a case is solved. Also important to the investigation is scene management, the three major elements in death investigations, key death scene investigation practices, the importance of documentation, and the crime scene’s impact on case solvability factors.

Discussion includes interactions between the Coroner/Medical Examiner and law enforcement with emphasis on roles, responsibilities, and a teamwork approach leading to effective communication that is crucial to resolution of death investigations. An often-overlooked aspect of death investigations is proper photography of the scene with particular emphasis on documenting conditions, evidence, and in particular the victim and suspect. Not only are these photographs essential to good scene documentation, but they can be crucial to effective case presentation in court. ​Recognizing and obtaining investigative clues/leads from early and late body tissue changes that occur after death, how they are influenced by environmental conditions, and their application to time since death determination can give critical information in the course of the investigation. Considerations when investigating deaths by suicide, asphyxia and child physical abuse are also discussed. This is a comprehensive course with instruction on the following subjects:ourse Instruction Topics:
  1. Initial Response
  2. 911 Calls
  3. Legal Considerations
  4. Working with the Media
  5. Crime Scene and Forensic Evidence/Examinations
  6. Establishing/Defining the Crime Scene
  7. Organized and Disorganized Offenders
  8. Secondary Crime Scenes
  9. Preliminary Investigation
  10. Canvass Interviews
  11. Working with the ME
  12. Autopsy
  13. Cause of Death v. Manner of Death
  14. Time of Death
  15. Changes After Death
  16. Death Notifications
  17. Wound Recognition
  18. Blunt Force, Gunshot and Sharpe Force Injuries
  19. MOM (Motive, Opportunity, Means)
  20. Victimology
  21. Interviews and Interrogations
  22. Admissions, Denials, Confessions and Alibis (Inconsistent Statements)
  23. Polygraph
  24. Suicide
  25. Asphyxia Deaths
  26. Accidental Death
  27. Victim Precipitated Death
  28. Autoerotic Misadventures
  29. Personal Cause/Group Cause/Criminal/Political
  30. Child Abuse Death/SUID
  31. Sexual Homicide
  32. Define/Categorize Homicides
  33. Motive, Intent, Ability (MIA)
  34. Risk Factors: Victimology
  35. Developing an Investigative Plan
  36. Subpoenas and Search Warrants
  37. ViCAP
  38. Criminal Investigative Analysis
  39. Staged Crime Scenes
  40. Offender Dichotomy
  41. Investigative Failures
  42. Working with Prosecutors

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